Monday 14 July 2008

The first weekend

Friday evening, we had an assembly in the theatre where students awards were given, and people who work in drama workshop,presented a show about Romeo and Juliet, and another about dead people.
Saturday morning, THERE WERE EGGS FOR BREAKFAST!!!! Carol and me, we were really looking forward to it!
After breakfast we went to Cambridge, where we didn't visit anything because we spent the whole morning shopping. The weather was sunny eventhough it was cold.I had great fun there with my friends!!
When we arrived at school, we had dinner and after most of Spanish people we went to the office.
At nine o'clock we went to the disco, the music wasn't very good but I really had fun!
A few couples started going out in the disco but..... i dont think it's good to name them!!
Saturday night, I slept really really late because i spoke for a looong time with my friends in the rooms.

On sunday, a few people went to Thorpe Park but I didn't. In the morning, I went to the swimming pool, and after, I layed in the grass with all my friends for two hours to rest and get tanned because it was really sunny and hot!!
Then I went to the computers and later to do arts and crafts.

This was my first weekend at QW

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